all over His creation...

all over His creation...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gypsy at heart...

I have decided I am 85% Gypsy and 10% settled and 5% wild. What does that mean? Huh, well, I have moved so many times in my 31 years that I have grown accustomed to moving. I love to move to new places, meet new people, see new areas yet there is a part of me that wants to have a home somewhere, plant seeds, settle and a smaller part of me that wants to just roam free and wild like.

My hubby and I have been trying to find a place to live for some time now and we can never decide. We pick this place because it is green and rains and has fog, or this place because it has mountains and lots of animals or this place because we used to live there and it is comfortable but none seem right just yet.

***FYI if you are planning on moving, how we do it is by lots of research online, finding out about jobs, rentals, schools, hospitols, and our hobbys (outdoor stuff). If it sounds promising we take a trip to there if we can. Check it out, see if we really like it. Then it makes our list!**

That part of me that wants a permanant home, wants to be able to have a dog, paint walls, grow a garden, it comes out and rears its head every now and again. It is depressing when it does because at this point,I am not sure if, even if we did find a place to call home, we would be able to afford to buy a peice of dirt. I do long for that day though.

Remember back to when you were a kid, roaming free, no worries. Yeah, my wild inner child. I sometimes, would love to just move to teh woods, nothing with me but my hubby, son, and my Bible and just live off the land. No job, no bills, just livin. HOwever, the idea sounds great but I would miss my computer and other modern conveniences. It is still tempting though.

All in all, I think we all have different percentages of those things in all of us. It just takes figuring out what to do and where to go to find the balance. For me, at this point in time, the balance would be living in the very North West of the US in a small cabin on about five or ten acres. The area would calm the gypsy in me, the home would calm the settled part of me, adn the acreage would calm the wild child in me.

To all the gypsys, never stop livin and seeing the beautiful Land God created for us! For those who are settled, Paint a wall for me, adn the wild children, keep on chasing those dreams!

Spring adventure...

On Saturday, we drove over to Camp Sherman, Or. and went to the hatchery. We had a great time watching the geese and ducks swimming. I had lots of photo ops with the fish and geese. Yet, it was not too far away from home.

The two geese here were very friendly. They even ate fish food from my sons hand and my own. It was a great day all in all. Fish, Geese, familly, and pine needles.

Pine needles you say? Yes, we gathered a bunch of pine needles so that I could attempt a basket. My willow has just been sitting around, not enough to make a basket with so it just sits. Yes, it is pretty to look at, but it taunts me.

SO, pine needles, why not give it a try right? ANd guess what, I did, I finished a basket. It was not as hard as it looks, yet the preperation was a little tricky. I wont give you how to's just yet as I am just a beginner but you can get some help from and go to the baskets sectoin, lots of info there, or I was actually reading a book called "Pine Needle Basketry- From Forest to Finished Project." BY Judy Mofield Mallow.

This book had a ton of how to's and a ton of photos of diffent baskets you can make. Not so primitive as I would hope but to start out, what the heck right? So I had fun, hope you enjoy my finished product. One Geese photo and one basket photo!