all over His creation...

all over His creation...

Friday, July 1, 2011


Seems so funny how many times a person can move in a year :} Yes, we have moved again! We are back in Southern Oregon and planning on moving again someday. Nope, were not sick of it yet! I told you previously I am part Gypsy!
Life is a little hectic right now as I am staying home taking care of my mom who is not deathly sick but is in a lot of pain. My hubby is working and it is summer. I cant wait to get out and go explore to share with you all. Hopefully, soon, I will have a new adventure to share with you all! Until then, keep on exploring and share your stories!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Been a long time....

I cant belive that it has been a year since I have posted on here. Been a long year. We moved numerous times, down to Southern Oregon and back to Central Oregon so, the blogging should start up again. The gypsy lifestyle is alive and well!
As far as adventures go, not a lot to post on. Did a lot of people photography while down in the valley, did a little hunting with no luck, and not much else. As far as havin fun with little money, oh yeah, last summer we spent it in a local creek about ten miles from where we were living! Lots of fun. We adventured around the woods and had great times.
Now that were back, we are looking forward to snow melt so we can get out and about. I will definitly post pics on the first outing we have which I hope will be coming up really soon! Thanks for reading! I will be on here more!