all over His creation...

all over His creation...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Questions from home

I was curious, if you could move anywhere you could move to, where would it be and why? If I was to answer myself, it would take a lot of thought, right off, right now, I would say someplace on the Oregon coast or Washington Coast as I love the beach but I would want to live in a small cottage and work from home. Dream on...right?

But given the chance to really think about this, the most important fact to me, would be that my hubby and son were happy there. Two, that we could eventually live off the land wherever that may be. Three, a place where there are many adventures to be had. And four, preferably in Oregon, Washington, or Montana.

We have thought about selling everything and moving to a foriegn land like Austrailia, Ireland, or someplace like that, and I must say, That sounds awfully intreaging, yet, I am getting to the age where I would love a place to call HOME and hang my hat for the rest of my life.
I dont know how many of you rent, but we do and it is sad wasting money each month into a place you dont own, you cant make your own all the way. I would lvoe to decorate, paint, fix up the yard, al that but as you know, we cant. OH HOME, you are somewhere out there, please come soon!! Oh how I long for home.

Monday, February 15, 2010

checkin in

We have not wrote on here in a while. A lot of things have been going on, unfortunately, nothing that include being out and about or learning about canning. HOWEVER, we still have been talking about lots of that.
We are still focused on getting out of debt, learning how to can, learning how to provide for ourselves and even talked about buying a piece of land cheap somewhere and building a off the grid home.
It was fun actually sitting at home learning about all the different types of homes. From earthships, which I must add personally< I love some of that idea, to building trapper cabins off the trees on the property you buy.
I dont know if we will be able to attack that dream this summer as that will take some time to buy a piece of land for us but we are still wanting do to this when we do buy. And of course, solar power computer acess will allow us to let you follow step by step, I know, I still laugh at online stuff when we want to be so unattatched from the outside world.
We just recently got an inexpensive video camera and have started a youtube site as well. It is also called All Over His Creation,look us up and see some tutorials on some primitive skills and thoughts from Johnny and a little about our pets. :)
In the meantime, since we are having cabin fever, share your stories and make sure you are enjoying His creation!